After a shitty ice storm on Friday night, we got up late and headed out to play paintball at a new indoor field in NJ. It couldn’t have been better – a brand new field, nobody showed up because of the weather so we head the place to ourselves, and we were pretty much the first people to play there so we didn’t leave soaked in paint from the astro turf. After hours of back to back games, I felt like I got hit by a truck when I got up this morning, actually I felt that way before I even went to bed.

After playing we headed out to the beach for the night and Denny cooked up some St. Patrick’s day corned beef. The waves were looking good, it’s always great being at the beach in the off-season when nobody is there.




  • By Vince, March 19, 2007 @ 5:37 pm

    Let me know what you expect the effect would be on the local cat herd in my neighborhood if I started shooting those fuckers with paint ball guns. Also, which one should I get to “make a mark?” on the cat poopulation?

  • By tara, March 20, 2007 @ 8:10 am

    It would knock them off their feet for sure. Get bright green paint so when the cat goes home to its owner, they may think twice about letting them roam free.

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