(Roll over the images for descriptions, click on them to see them larger, hit play for a slideshow)

If you look through one set of images, this is the one to check out. This was one of our favorite parts of the trip, going to the Tsujiki Fish Market at 5:15am to see the tuna auction. The tuna was huge, and each fish was lined up in a warehouse-like room with the tails cut off and shoved in their mouths. It was pretty chaotic, with carts driving by in all directions and people bidding on fish. We watched while trying not to get run over. We walked through the rest of the fish market and saw a little bit of everything – things you would never eat to massive scallops and crabs. Watching the resellers cut up the tuna was really interesting, it would take about 3 guys to do, and they would use a 6′ sword with 2 people to cut them into sections.

Once we had checked everything out, we went to find a sushi restaurant for breakfast. We looked at a few, but saw one with a line and figured it must be good. We got in the line, and every few minutes and older Japanese woman would come out and yell at everyone in Japanese, and then grab people and place them exactly where she wanted them to stand and wait. We got lucky and got 4 seats together, because there were only about 12 seats total. The chefs didn’t speak any English, and somehow we ordered a pre-set sushi meal but weren’t really sure what we had done and what it was going to cost. We turned down a few things like raw shrimp, and aside from that the chefs would keep placing more and more sushi in front of us. Anything we questioned, their only English would come out, saying “Try it.” Everything we tried was without question the best sushi we’ve ever had, since it was probably swimming a few hours earlier. We had all sorts of tuna, sea bass, and eel. When it was all done they rung up $140 and we weren’t sure if it was per person, couple, or all 4 of us and luckily it was for all 4 so we paid and worked our way back to the hotel to go to sleep.

If you find yourself in Tokyo, this place should be at the top of your list to check out.



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