Last night I ended up on a tangent looking for some old photos. A few years ago I had a hard drive crash and lost a ton of them, but some of it got recovered which put them in a mishmash of folders. I also have some on CD that were backed up that I started digging through. I ended up with a ton I had forgotten about that I’ll need to get up here, and more that I’ll be finding, but these couldn’t wait. Even the finest binding product team ever assembled can have its quirks. Sometimes they’d show up in lab coats, some times wearing dresses… That Ryan Coulter makes one fine-looking woman, redefining the term man-whore. Alex is clearly caught in the Coulter tractor beam, and Brent looks like he is starting to succumb to the gaze and the lipstick. There are points in time where everything was just right, and this was one of them. All of these are worth clicking on.