Category: Uncategorized



We did a hit and run trip to VT this weekend for Jayme’s big birthday, in and out before anyone knew we were there. We stopped by Cris, Ali, and Rivet’s house on the way up, and much like a dedicated Secret Service agent, Rivet stood guard while we caught up:


Then off to Jim’s to finish the trip and get ready for the party. On the way back, we saw the most amazing site of the trip before stopping back at the DaBica’s:

In-between was Jayme’s party. It started off mellow and got boozy quick. Some of the pics are below, but the tomato tossing was too good to bury:






Human Tetris




Lamborghini done up with Sharpies, from Flickr.



Rogue Wave

We went to see Rogue Wave again last night. The basement of the FU church wasn’t quite the atmosphere as Doug Fir, but they’re a great live band.



DC part 2 – Arlington

We kicked off day 2 of this trip by heading into Arlington since it was Dave’s birthday. We spent a little more time than usual there, and took advantage of the driving pass to make the rounds and check the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the changing of the guard. It never really gets any easier going here.



Wine tasting in DC

Josh lined up some intense plans for wine tasting around DC and 23 people showed up for the short bus to drunk town. After two vineyards and a 7-11 later, nobody’s going to be drinking wine anytime soon. Day two found us at Ihop, Arlington National Cemetary, and some of the DC museums.

Tara shows up to dinner:



New shoes

The good people of Portland came through for me on some shoes I’ve been trying to get my hands on. Thanks…






That’s a happy cat